1) How to make searches at the Land Registry of the Registrar-General's Department?

2) How to obtain a certified copy of a transcribed/inscribed deed?

3) How to know whether campement site tax is leviable?

4) How is the tax calculated?

5) What is campement Tax?

6) How is it calculated?

7) What is the delay for registration of a deed of sale of a motor vehicle?

8) What are the documents required for the registration of a motor vehicle?



1. How to make searches at the Land Registry of the Registrar-General's Department?

​​To have access to the Land Registry, a search duty of Rs 100 per day is payable.

A search normally starts with the General Index of names, kept in alphabetical order and containing the name of every landowner, with the reference number of the case hypothecaire. The case hypothecaire, which is to be found in the Repertory Registers, contains the list of all land transactions effected by landowners together with that of every mortgage, privilege or charge burdening their properties. The volumes containing the transcription of deeds witnessing land transactions (transcription volumes) and those containing bordereaux of inscription of mortgages, privileges or charges (inscription volumes) are also open to public inspection.

As our System has been computerised and gone live as from 15th July 2002, searches for transactions as from this date should be done through computers.


2. How to obtain a certified copy of a transcribed/inscribed deed?

Any person may obtain a certified photocopy of the transcription of any deed witnessing a land transaction, or the bordereau of inscription of any mortgage, privilege or charge, on a written request to that effect to the Conservator of Mortgages and on payment of a prescribed fee.


3. How to know whether campement site tax is leviable?

Every owner whose land is situated within 81.21 metres from the high water mark is liable to payment of Campement Site Tax.


4. How is the tax calculated?

It is an annual tax calculated according to rate specified in the fifth schedule of the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act 1984.


5. What is campement Tax?

A tax levied on every owner of a campement site together with any building and structure thereon used at any time for the purpose of residence.


6. How is it calculated?

It is calculated at the rate of 5% by reference to the market value of the campement after deducting therefrom the campement site tax and the general rate, if any, leviable under the Local Government Act.


7. What is the delay for registration of a deed of sale of a motor vehicle?

Fifteen days as from the date of acquisition of motor vehicle failing which a 50% penalty is leviable.


8. What are the documents required for the registration of a motor vehicle?

Two originals of the deed of sale or declaration together with the following documents:

1. In the case of transfer of second hand motor vehicle:

(a) the Horse Power Certificate relating to the vehicle, and

(b) a Certificat de Gage­ issued, on request of the vendor by the National

Transport Authority

2. In the case of a declaration of importation of a motor vehicle:

(a) the Bill of Entry delivered by the Customs Office together with a

photocopy of same;

(b) a certificate of the examination of the vehicle by the Examination

Branch of the National Transport Authority;

(c) the import permit.​​

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